Choose to enjoy a vacation at the barrier-free campsites ofBibione Mare, accessible to disabled or paraplegic tourists as well. The units are structured and located in such a way as to facilitate wheelchair access and set no hindrances to the use of services.
Restaurants, services, swimming pools and the beach are also structured to easily accommodate guests with walking difficulties, and berths can be accessed by practical jetties so that everyone can experience the thrill of a boat ride at sea and in the wonderful Venetian lagoon.
Bibione Mare complies with the Village 4 All and Ecospiagge accessibility and hospitality standards
The Bibione Beaches bathing establishments have obtained the Ecospiagge certificate
Social and inclusive tourism in the beaches of Veneto
Supporters of the project "Social and Inclusive Tourism on the Beaches of Veneto" promoted by the Veneto Region and coordinated by ULSS 4 Veneto Orientale.
In partnership with the Veneto Region and ULSS4 Eastern Veneto, each bathing establishment now provides Veasyt Live! professional sign language video remote interpreting service, which can be accessed directly through mobile devices.
Mobile homes for vacations with your family, partner or friends
Glamping tents
Luxury tents marked by elegance, style and comfort
Pitches for tents, camper vans and caravans
Where comfort blends with nature
Indecisive about where to stay?
Consult the guide for the perfect accommodation for your holiday in Bibione Pineda now. Find the property you prefer and choose the type that suits your tastes and needs.